One very irritating practical challenge of interior design is dealing with unsightly wires and electrical cords. There are lots of tips out there for hiding or disguising appliance leads, but at Pooky we prefer a much simpler and better solution… Just make the cords themselves beautiful, with designer flex! Here’s how we’ve turned electrical flex into a feature of your home’s décor…
The problem with power leads
Wi-fi- boxes, TV cables, computer leads, phone chargers… the only problem with all the wonderful stuff we have in our homes these days is that it all needs power. And when you see pictures of perfect rooms in the interior design magazines and adverts, very often they strangely omit to show all the electrical wires that make the appliances in those rooms actually work. There’s a simple reason for that: the plastic power cables supplied as standard with most products are blimmin’ ugly. That’s why design blogs and ‘life hacker’ sites are full of cunning ideas for hiding wires in boxes or behind curtains, or for disguising them as something else. Which is all very well, but sometimes you don’t want to build a special box in a corner of your room just to hide some black cables. Or you might want the flexibility to be able to move things from one spot to another when you feel like it without having to get the carpentry tools out. Fortunately, at Pooky we’ve hit upon a brilliant but simple way to do remove all such headaches: we make the flex supplied with our lamps beautiful in itself, so that it becomes part of your décor. It’s something our customers have really latched on to and are always mentioning to us. Once you discover the joy of flex, rather than trying to hide your cables you’ll want to show them off…
The solution: stylish silk flex
Olive green flex on a Herbert marble table lamp We don’t do nasty plastic cables at Pooky! Instead, we supply our table lamps, desk lights and floor lamps with twisted, three core, braided silk flex. There’s a choice of colours, so you can find the perfect one to go with your scheme. We especially like the gorgeous olive green above, but there’s also a sage green…
Pooky three core silk braided flex in sage green ... Or black or fresh grey if you want something more muted or neutral…
Pooky silk braided flex in grey …Or even a rather vivid orange, for a bit of accent colour.
Pooky three core silk braided flex in orange
So just choose the one that looks best in your room, display your wires with pride and worry no more about black plastic cables. That’s the joy of flex, with Pooky’s twisted silk!
5 ways for dealing with electrical cords
Alas, not all manufacturers take Pooky-like care over their cables, so here are five of our favourite methods of disguising electrical cords and wire that we’ve found on the web:
1) Make a desk curtain
2) Turn a long lead into a cityscape
3) Make leads into flowering vines
4) hide all your TV stuff in a pretty box
5) Turn cables into Bob Marley’s hair
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