
Rechargeable wall lights: 10 clever, home-transforming things to do with wireless wall light fittings
Always thought that wall lights weren’t for you? Think again! Rechargeable wall lights are as easy to put up as a picture, and they can... read more

How to get started with home lighting design – a step by step guide
Not sure where to begin? Get going with creating your perfect home lighting design with our expert guide… read more

The rechargeables revolution: 5 ways that beautiful cordless lights can transform your home life
It’s the biggest change in interior lighting for a century! Freed from the tyranny of wiring, you can see your home in a whole new... read more

Interior design: How to use lighting to make a room look bigger
Here are nine expert tips for using lights to make even the smallest rooms seem large and airy… read more

Colour theories in interior design and lighting: Neutrals
How and where to use neutrals in your home interior design. Plus a guide to neutral lampshades, neutral table lamps, and all kinds of neutral lighting… read more

Around the world in interior design: the USA
From urban industrial to midwestern farmhouse, here’s a glimpse into the many interior design styles to have emerged from the USA… read more

Timeless lighting – 5 lamps that will never go out of style
Five fashion-proof Pooky lamps and pendants that will work any place, any time… read more

Keeping it simple: 5 clever ways to use white in interior design
White is the most versatile colour in interior design - here are some expert tips for using it in your home… read more

How to light rooms with high or vaulted ceilings – an expert guide
High ceilings in a home are both glorious and challenging – but get the lighting right and you can really make the most of all... read more