Our Q&A with the brilliant textile designer Claire Worthington…
Claire Worthington creates gorgeous, exotic wallpaper and textile designs, often featuring beautifully drawn birds. We recently collaborated with her on an exclusive Jasmine Bird lampshade, so we thought it would be a good idea to find out a bit more about Claire and what inspires her…
How did you come to start your textile and wallpaper design business?
I was trying to decorate my own house, and as I’d studied Textile Design years before I thought I’d have a go at designing my own wallpaper. I loved it and simply couldn’t stop.
Some of your designs are inspired by your travels - what can you tell us about your experiences?
I have travelled a lot. Years ago now my husband and I drove to India in an old VW bus. It was a wonderful trip and we stopped at some amazing places along the way. The Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna, Greek temples, the wonderful Ottoman tiles...to name but a few. Seeing so many wonderful patterns along the way has stayed with me and definitely influenced my designs.
What else inspires your designs?
Anything really. I was recently walking along a street near the V&A and noticed that every one of the Victorian coal holes has a different design... I love 17th century iron work, tropical birds, gardens of any description, Greek embroideries. I could go on!
For the collaboration with Pooky you’ve chosen the Jasmine Bird print
I was moving house and everything we owned was in a box apart from a beautiful Jasmine plant, which we had to leave behind because it was in the ground, so I drew it for posterity's sake. I added the birds afterwards and cut it out of lino as I love the very handmade feel that lino brings.
Do you have a personal favourite amongst all your designs?
No, it depends what I want it for. I am just about to use my Lyre Birds paper - I like the scale and colours in this design.
What are your own home interiors like? How would you describe the style?
Very colourful, though some would say a bit of a junk shop! I love old textiles and they are everywhere. I even have a collection of very small but elaborate pieces that I have framed. They look wonderful.
Finally, do you have a favourite Pooky lamp?
Yes, I love the ‘Trindle’ – so simple and stylish and doesn’t take up too much space. And it’s a perfect vehicle for a colourful shade.

See more about Claire at Claire Worthington and on Instagram here.