We know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: ‘If Pooky did mirrors, they’d be the swankiest, most stylish mirrors in the world.’ And you’re right, they are.
Now there are some beautifully understated styles in the Pooky mirror range – like the Luxor, for instance – but this post is all about the glamour. Because rather like lamps, mirrors serve multiple purposes. They have a practical function (observing one’s own gorgeousness), but they also literally light up an interior, creating a feeling of space and air. And what’s more they can be beautiful objects in themselves, reflecting your personality and taste.
In fact, mirrors make marvellous statement pieces. So here are Pooky’s most glamorous looking glasses, mirrors so spectacular that your guests will actually be more interested in your frames than they are in their own reflections…
The Vulpo is over a metre tall, so it takes up a fair bit of wall. But what a statement! It’s not a mould but a remarkably accomplished piece of wood carving, and the distressed gold frame and bevelled glass give it a confident, antiquey feel. Hang it portrait-style to command a room, or position it in landscape-wise on a mantelpiece, ideally opposite a chandelier for maximum effect.
With a style that’s somewhere between a sun goddess and a headdress, the Grace is designed to dazzle. It’s a 60cm diameter round bevelled mirror with a beautiful carved frame finished in a subtle distressed gold. Great anywhere really.
Necklace link mirror in antique gold
Technically, the Necklace is a bevelled mirror within a rectangular frame welded within a larger rectangular frame - but in effect it is an astonishing piece of Art Deco-style elegance, finished in antique gold.
For maximum impact hang them vertically in pairs - or even better, in a trio as shown. This is very much mirror as statement wall decoration.
Want something spectacular over your mantelpiece that doesn’t take up too much space? The indisputably eye-catching Ava might be just the ticket. At 54cm in height and in width, it’s a smaller mirror but just bursts into a space.
The glass is convex: place it to reflect a pendant or chandelier and it will dazzle. Stylish, head-turning and constantly beautiful (much like her namesake Ava Gardner).
The grouper itself may not be the most glamorous fish, but nobody can deny the spectacular size of its eyes... Our Grouper is a fisheye mirror, a classic style that looks sensational in the right setting but which is exceptionally difficult to make. Achieving the right degree of antiquing on the glass is very tricky - and we are thrilled with the result.
We've made them in three sizes including a very large 120cm diameter one, and they have a quite stupendous visual effect in a room, reflecting the space in a way that turns it into an artwork.
So those are some of Pooky's more glitzy, wham-bam mirrors. If you like these you’ll probably like our chandeliers too. And you can browse all of our mirrors here.
See also:
How to use lighting to make a room look bigger
How to develop an ‘eye’ for interior design
Chandeliers - an illustrated history
How to light an open plan space - 5 top lighting tips
Image top: Mary Pickford, Hollywood Actress and co-founder of the United Artists studios, admires herself. Public doman, via the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA