Five Tips on How to Display Blooms in Your Home

A bunch of blooms. This is the number one thing that will make your house feel instantly more homely and put together. Such a quick and easy style update! Perfect for those who like to change things up on a regular basis and update your bunch every couple of weeks for a completely new look. Here are 5 tips to make the most of your floral displays from our friends at Homewings.

Look at your surroundings

What are the dominant colours already in your home? Matching your blooms to your existing décor will give you triple brownie points in the style stakes.



Consider the container

Do you want to display your blooms in one large bunch, or several little vases? Both can be beautiful options in your space.



Don’t forget leaves

Yes, beautiful, coloured blooms do look absolutely gorgeous. But another effective botanical display can involve just the leaves of a plant. More architectural and stripped back then a bunch of flowers. This is also a perfect way to introduce greenery if you struggle with keeping plants alive! Consider indulging in a lovely bunch of Eucalyptus, which will bring a brilliant fragrance into your room too.



The colour scheme

You can really experiment with displaying flowers by thinking about the overall colour scheme. A monochromatic bunch makes a strong statement and can look very striking in a room. Alternatively, a contrasting colour scheme can be equally effective. Take a look at the colour wheel and choose opposing colours to really create an eye-catching arrangement.



Choose a star

Whatever you decide, whether it’s tulips, lilies or roses it’s always good to have a dominant bloom in your arrangement. You can then arrange other blooms around this “star” flower. This helps to create a focus to the overall look and will really make your display sing!

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